What is Elevate Dance Project?

Mission Statement

At Elevate Dance Project, our mission is to offer students an opportunity to enhance their dancing skills, communication abilities, and creativity. We strive to provide a conducive environment that promotes leadership, accountability, and social-emotional development, including self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Our goal is to provide transformative experiences for our students, especially those who aspire to pursue dance as a college athlete or a major/minor in college. We achieve this by providing a wide range of training opportunities such as conventions, master classes, intensives, and competitions in the USASF circuit.  Utilizing this array of training, levels the playing field for many students who do not have access to in-school dance programs. As a result, our students have a higher potential of receiving scholarships, being accepted into college dance teams, and obtaining dance education from various conservatories and institutions.

Our students are individuals who dance for the love of dancing while being self-disciplined and hardworking. Our coaches encourage personal fulfillment through self-improvement, asking each student to simply aim to perform and dance better than they did the day before.

We believe in teamwork, respect for oneself, peers, and instructors. Creating an environment that supports team first while recognizing each dancer’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and goals. This encourages our dancers to support one another while building lasting friendships.

At our core, we are a dance troupe, and in our hearts, we inspire the development of creative, disciplined, and well-rounded dancers.